Annual General Meeting 2021

On behalf of the Board of Directors, AVA members are invited to join us for our AGM on Monday 29th November 2021 at 10am.


  1. Welcome & apologies
  2. Minute of the previous meeting & matters arising
  3. Special Resolution: To approve changes to the Articles of Association
  4. Report from the Chairperson of the Company
  5. Consideration of the annual accounts of The Company (2020-2021)
  6. Ordinary Resolution: Election of the Directors
  7. AOCB

To help us plan for the event, we'd appreciate it if you would let us know whether you intend to join the meeting, and how you intend to vote in both the special and the ordinary resolutions. If you are unable to attend, you can also nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf; that proxy can be the Chairperson of the meeting who will deliver your vote on your behalf.

Please use this form to let us know by 1200hrs on Friday 26th November 2021.

Item 2: Previous Minute

You can access the minute of the previous AGM by clicking here.

Item 3: Special Resolution

AVA's Directors, Company Secretary, and Chief Executive Officer have undertaken a review of our Articles of Association (our governing document). A number of minor changes have been made for clarification and simplification purposes, and the proposed changes can be found by clicking here.

Item 4: Chairperson's Report

A copy of our Annual Report can be found by clicking here.


Item 5: Annual Accounts

Our annual accounts (2020-21) have been audited and submitted to Companies House. A copy of the document can be found by clicking here.


Item 6: Ordinary Resolution

Information about the AVA members who have nominated themselves for election to be Directors/Trustees can be found by clicking here.